We are extremely proud of our academy and our students, who represent our values daily. Our uniform is an important part of our academy community and we greatly value the support of our parent and carer community in upholding our high standards.
Our uniform is available from Super Stitch 86.
Academy Uniform
- The Hastings Academy Blazer: Grey blazer with the Academy logo
- The Hastings Academy Polo shirt: Turquoise polo shirt with Academy logo
- Trousers or skirt: Plain black standard-fit school trousers or black-pleated knee length uniform skirt
- Socks or tights: Plain black socks (up to below the knee) or plain/neutral/black coloured tights
- Shoes: Plain black shoes or black trainers - no logos or white trims
- Backpack: A school backpack in which students can carry their exercise books
- Coat / rain jacket: A coat / rain jacket (for colder/wetter days and months)
The following items are optional:
- The Hastings Academy Jumper: Grey v-neck jumper with Academy logo. This may be worn under The Hastings Academy Blazer
- Tailored Shorts: Plain black standard fit
PE Kit
The following items are compulsory:
- The Hastings Academy PE Sweatshirt: Crewneck sweatshirt with the Academy logo, or, until 1/9/22: The Hastings Academy PE Hoodie or a plain black PE Sweatshirt
- The Hastings Academy PE T-shirt: Academy logo t-shirt
- PE Shorts: Plain black shorts
- PE bottoms or leggings: Plain black leggings / jogging bottoms
- PE Socks: Plain black PE socks
- PE bag: A PE bag in which students can carry their PE kit.
- Sports trainers: no flat-soled shoes, e.g. Converse style or plimsolls
Jewellery / Accessories
Students are permitted to wear the following, should they meet these criteria:
- Earrings: One pair of small stud earrings in the ear lobe
- Piercings: Clear plastic retainers should be used in place of any facial piercing
- Hair adornments: These should be minimal and plain (not brightly coloured or patterned)
Banned Clothing and Accessories
Students are not permitted to wear the following:
- Boots (nothing covering the ankle)
- Leggings/jeggings
- Jeans/skinny jeans
- Skinny/drainpipe trousers
- Cycling shorts or hotpants (in place of shorts for PE)
- Sweatshirts/hoodies
- Heavy make-up including eyeliner flicks, heavy eyebrows/eye shadow/foundation
- False eyelashes
- Dyed hair colouring
- Extreme haircuts - shaved heads ‘zero cuts’
- Facial piercings (Health and Safety)
- Nail varnish, long nails or false long nails (Health and Safety)
- Hooped earrings (Health and Safety)
- Rings (Health and Safety)
- Bracelets (Health and Safety)
- Necklaces (Health and Safety)
- Badges - other than official school badges
- Handbags