Staying at home tips and activities

A sense of belonging

The Hastings Academy is committed to developing the best possible provision it can for students with additional educational needs in a mainstream setting. We endeavour to make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of all students whilst meeting students' individual needs and recognising the entitlement of all students to a balanced, broadly based curriculum.

Support for special educational needs

The Academy will adopt the levels of intervention as described in the SEN Code of Practice which advocates a graduated response to meeting students' needs.

If your child has a learning difficulty they will have the opportunity to access a range of specialist provisions including multi sensory Literacy and Numeracy support in small groups, individual or group sessions for Speech and Language skill development, participation in Occupational Therapy programmes and small group experiences to develop social communication and important life skills. In addition a highly skilled team of Teaching Assistants will support your child in lessons with the aim of building their confidence as learners, promoting their independence and raising their self esteem.

Speech and Language Centre

The speech and language centre at The Hastings Academy is a specialist provision for students in the local area with speech, language and communication needs as identified within a statement or Education Healthcare Plan.

The principle behind creating a specialist provision within our mainstream Academy is to allow students with a special educational need to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. It enables students with a special educational need to fully integrate into our school's system and to gain essential social skills.

Students will receive specialist support for their speech and language needs within the centre during timetabled lessons and will attend the remainder of their lessons in mainstream classrooms.

A lunchtime club is provided within the speech and language centre to provide a quiet haven for those students with additional needs.

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Student and Parent Voice

Please note these links are to be used by the student/parent at the request of the Academy. The information on here will be used to support a student's ANP. These links are not to be used to provide feedback to the Academy. If you wish to contact the Academy to provide feedback, please use this link: